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Digital Transformation Planner

Digitalization in the modern world is not a luxury but a necessary part of any company that wants to be a market leader. Successful planning for digital transformation requires a structured approach, which we will look at with real-life examples and the suggested digital transformation planning model.

To run a successful business, you need your customers and partners to be satisfied with the service you provide them. Digitalization essentially enhances user experience by incorporating software utilities, applications to the existing customer journey. Agile focuses digitalization on the user.

Agile planning

At the first stage, it is imperative to set a realistic transformation goal and answer a few questions:

It seems logical to describe a solution at this stage. This is the path taken by many business owners who have solid expertise in their business domain. This worked effectively 20-30 years ago, but this approach does not work in the VUCA world (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity). For maximum agility, we recommend that you put a clear focus on digital transformation and take the most important and necessary moves in small steps to get feedback from users. Let them dictate the most important tasks for driving digital transformation.

Launching and releasing

The second stage of preparing for digital transformation is crucial and challenging. The decisions you make will affect the effectiveness of all your investments. You will need to define:

Digitalization is not a one-time investment. This is the investment that you streamline and stay ready to gradually expand. The team is fully empowered to maximize profit within the invested amount. In Agile, the product owner’s job is to choose the most valuable ideas that cater to a better investment return. The implementation strategy should describe the architecture of the solution. The architecture of the information systems cannot emerge effectively outside the context of business architecture.

Manage trasformation

There comes the moment when streaming money into digital services no longer brings viable results. Giving more money into digital transformation does not mean that the company will start generating more value. By the time the already launched digital customer solution is saturated, you need to be ready to switch to new ones. Agile management will help the company make the most of the resources and not waste them.

Digital Transformation Planner

Agile Live, based on the experience of many cases, has developed an effective digital transformation planner. We help businesses go through all the planning stages and effectively launch digital transformation.

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