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How an Agile Coach Makes Virtual Teams Work More Efficiently Offline

Slava Moskalenko’s speech at the conference IntelliasAgileDays.

On June 01, Agile.Live co-founder Slava Moskalenko spoke at the international conference IntelliasAgileDays. He told about 250 participants how Agile Coach can make virtual teams work more effectively offline.

The successful work of virtual teams in Agile is based on two principles: personal autonomy and responsibility of each team member; using an Agile Coach as a service in case of problems with virtual work.

Slava Moskalenko came to this conclusion while working as an Agile Coach on the same project with virtual teams from the US, Australia, Singapore, and India.

During his session, he answered the following questions:

  • Why do Agile coaches stumble over virtual teams?
  • Why do virtual teams often not develop, but degrade?
  • How to make virtual teams work effectively?
  • How do build communication within virtual teams?

Full speech:


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